
Guy Was Responsible For Vacation Pics, But His Friends Probably Didn’t Expect This…

When you go on an epic adventure, you want it documented. However, if you’re not the one taking the photos, you never know how they look until you see the results. Regardless of their expectations, James Nathaniel’s friends probably didn’t expect he’d enlarge all of their heads to make the entire squad look like kids.

This illustrator, based in Bristol, England, recently went on a trip to Southern France with his gang and, after ending up the main crew photographer, he decided to take everything even further. Being familiar with digital photo editors, he altered the images, providing everyone with a perfect man-child look of their own. “One of the most important things about growing up is remembering how and when to act like children.”

More info: James Nathaniel, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, DeviantArt, ArtStation


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