
Scotland Plans to Give All Expecting Mothers Generous Boxes of Baby Supplies

Starting on January 1st, 2017, the Scottish government is giving a generous birthday gift to the parents of all newborns: a Baby Box full of diapers, books, clothing for all seasons, teething toys, and blankets. Once the cardboard box is emptied of its goods, the small container transforms into a safe, padded sleeping cot for baby. Scottish First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, is putting the next generation in the forefront of her mind and ensuring a good upbringing for each and every one. “We have to get it right for every child,” she proposed at the Scottish National Party this week.

The Baby Box has been practiced in Finland for over 80 years, which has the world’s lowest infant mortality rates. In the past, Finnish babies slept in the box for up to the first eight months of their lives. Mothers find the box’s small size prevents babies from rolling onto their stomachs, which can cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Sturgeon explained at the SNP conference last week that her plan to provide Baby Boxes for all is a major priority. She said, “The baby box is a powerful symbol of our belief that all children should start life on a level playing field. That’s what inclusion means in practice.” She went on to say that giving every child an opportunity to be successful is her “personal defining mission.”

In an update, Sturgeon also added that next month, a competition in partnership with the V&A Museum of Design in Dundee will be launched for the box’s design. You can be sure that on New Year’s Day, Scotland will be able to wish a very safe and stylish “Happy Birthday” to the new babies of 2017.

The Baby Box Co.: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
via [Good News Network]

All images via The Baby Box Co.

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