
Teacher Finds Student Sleeping in Class And Lets Her Sleep for the Kindest Reason


Student Sleeping in Class Mont Syrie

Photo: Mont Syrie

Usually, sleeping in class is a surefire way to get scolded. However, as high school teacher Monte Syrie has recently realized, punishing sleepy students may not always offer the best outcome. In fact, when one of his students dozed off during an English lesson, Syrie did something most educators would never dream of: he let her sleep.

In a now-viral Twitter thread, Syrie explains that Meg, one of his students, was exhausted from her overwhelming agenda, which includes a before-school math course, early morning farm chores, and intense track practice. Noting that his English class is only a slice of her busy schedule, Syrie decided not to take her sleepiness personally and to instead empathize with the teenager.

“I think too often the biggest thing that people forget about high school students is that they are kids,” Syrie tells Upworthy . “They’re kidskids who are having to grow up way too fast and are having way too much pressure put on them, in and out of school . . . even for our best and brightest, that pressure gets to be too much.”

While her nap caused her to miss an in-class essay, Syrie explains that Meg ended up emailing it to him that evening—an unprompted move that has made him proud to have trusted both his own instincts and the integrity of his student. “I can’t control the world outside,” he explains. “But I can give her a break. She was not being rude or disrespectful yesterday when she nodded off. She was tired. So I gave her a break. I can do that. And I want to believe, I have to believe—else my life is a lie, that it will come back in the end. And it did. Meg got her esasy done.”

When he noticed one of his students was falling asleep in class, high school English teacher Monte Syrie decided to let her sleep. He explains why on Twitter:

h/t [A Plus, Upworthy]

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The post Teacher Finds Student Sleeping in Class And Lets Her Sleep for the Kindest Reason appeared first on My Modern Met.


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